
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Tuesday's Tutu Tidbits

-  I have made some tutus for the half marathon on Sunday with the besty.  They are super awesome!

Seriously, cutest tutus EVER!!

And their maker (ME!) has added such detail

-  I have been stalking the weather for the race.  Not great.  As of today the high is 70, low of 50, with a 30% chance of rain.  Good thing we are running this for fun!!!  I'm not sure I'll be able to handle the cute long sleeve Santa shirt for the half marathon.  My "magic" number for long sleeve is 35 or under.  It's not even going to be near that on Sunday.

-  Because of that weather situation, our outfits may have to change a bit.  I've got to find a red running shirt, STAT.  That's cool, I love going to Dicks Sporting Goods!

-  I got my flu shot today.  Ouch!  I'll be working at the pediatric office in a few weeks when I'm out of school, so I thought I need to get vaccinated since the flu is prevalent here.

-  I also got to see my work buddies today because they gave me my flu shot.  Man, I miss my peeps, even if they're armed with needles!!

-  It has been unseasonably warm here, which is strange.  I've worn a t-shirt and jeans, without a jacket for the past two days.  I'm enjoying it, but dang, if I didn't know any better, I'd think that it was April!!!

-  I'm currently struggling with going with my gut instinct.  I know it's for the best (for me and them), but I feel like I've let a few people down that are close to me.  I know what's right and what's wrong for me.  Although I'm still trying to tell myself I did the right thing.  Hopefully one day they'll understand.

Are any of you having unseasonable temperatures?  What are you doing to enjoy them?

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